Cell phone hack idea

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Dr Nick

In Runtime
Well the other day I was watching G4 and they had all these items. Ranging from a robotic comuter mouse that follows a line to (the one that interested me) an old fashoned spin dial phone that was actually a cell phone. They said there was a company that you could buy cell phone parts from and build a cell phone so here's the IDEA: Make a cell phone that looks like that giant one on trigger happy TV (I love that show:p ) I can just imagine all the looks you'd get if you walked around Boston or NY talking on it! LOL
Just an idea:p
That would be pretty sweet a phone that was half you size... They would problably think it doesn't really work and that you are some crazy person that escaped from a mental hospital.
lol, yea thats what i'd think too but it still be pretty cool to have :p It might even break the world record for largest cell phone:) who knows?
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