car part

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Illustration Number: 7
Part Number: 74826-SG0-A10
Required Quantity: 2
Year: 1990
Model: Legend
List Price: 5.34
Our Price: 4.27
please help me out. I just want to know why I would need 2 of those and I want to know more info before I buy it.
Go to your local library or auto parts store, and see if they carry the factory service manuals, or Chilton's manuals, or anything similar....
Hanes, Chilton, and/or the factory original....It's very convenient to have at least two of the three.
here is the path to the info you want.....

Go to your local library or auto parts store, and see if they carry the factory service manuals, or Chilton's manuals, or anything similar....

Hanes, Chilton, and/or the factory original....It's very convenient to have at least two of the three.

Alternativly, try a Honda/Acura web-forum, or ask a mechanic or someone at an autoparts store.
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