Binary explosive... scary stuff

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ncjimn said:
There is nothing like the element "ipodium" such a rare element to which only steve jobs has access. Mixing "ipodium" with Bill Gates' blood would cause a reaction that would destroy the entire computer world.

So as soon as get some ipodium I will destroy apple and microsoft and rule the world with linux.

u watch too much star-treck :freak:
another thing about these is that after you put it in water and let it explode, some of it binds with the water. so, it becomes a different cmpd which is usually highly basic or acidic and it'll burn right through you.

referring to the original post, this is just awesome, so now any little kid with connections knows how to make a bomb that can be easily brought onto an airplane or something. I feel safe now.
kfc469 said:
another thing about these is that after you put it in water and let it explode, some of it binds with the water. so, it becomes a different cmpd which is usually highly basic or acidic and it'll burn right through you.

It would make francium hydroxide, which is alkali/basic.

it explodes because hydrogen is produced:

2Fr + 2H2O ---> 2FrOH + H2

You would have to add ALOT of it to water to make it "burn right through you" though.
kfc469 said:
I was exaggerating. It would burn you though.

depends on the concentration.

but yea, I suppose it could potentially be a sort of "dual weapon"
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