Beer goggles are nasty....

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Lord Techie,
Beer goggles are nasty....

Ok it was pay day yesterday an it was also a friend of mines birthday so we decided to go out to town. Now we all have them moments where you wake up feeling kind rough but this hangover is something special. An i just found a photo on my phone of what can only be described as a whale on my phone apparently i pulled last night...

share your embarassment with us.

it'll make it way easier to make fun of you this way.

same thing happened to me

well i didnt take a photo, i just got told by my friend. shes someone i knew from school, who was kind of a hippo. i just acted like it never happened.

it got kinda weird when she said she fancied me though...
I never hooked up with any fatties on those nights but I had my share of butterfaces.
Been there, done that, repeat of the reasons I quit drinking.

Edit: *LOL* I just realized how perfect my sig is for this thread.
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