Basketball coach fired for WINNING 100-0

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I read the original article, it was because it was unsportsmanlike and apparently unChristian-like in the eyes of the school. I don't know if I would've fired the guy, though. It's just a game. He must have ruffled a few other feathers before this one.
it's high school basketball... they shouldn't be dbags

i played intramural basketball all through high school and they used to turn off the score board once there was a 30 pt difference
its competitive tho. still our shcool beat another team 15, 145, no one complained this is just stupid, his team did good let it be at that blame the sport it has a no mercy rule, neither does the league. what his is supose to tel his girls well sorry where to good dont have fun and let them score a litle. as if he god fired for something like this. oh btw i also go to catholic high school.
I think that's stupid... Like the team they played was winless in 4 seasons, and has 20 people in the entire school.... like... i think it's good that they played them because it show's sportsman ship, but like seriously... 59-0 at halftime, and they score another 41 points... that's just ridiculous... As a former basketball player, it's fun to win by a huge margin, but when it's such a huge margin of victory, you have to feel for the other team and be like wow, that must suck for them... Like put in your second/third/fourth string players, practice some new plays.. do something to make it interesting without just like passing the ball forever and being obvious about it... I think they were right to fire that guy, he's a dbag and has no right to be coaching high school basketball if he thinks it's ok to run up the score...
If you're on an island with your friend and there's a coconut, if he finds it and says hey I found a coconut, would you kill him so you can have it?

Ethics are what's in question here, not whether or not there's a law against running up the score.
If you're on an island with your friend and there's a coconut, if he finds it and says hey I found a coconut, would you kill him so you can have it?

Ethics are what's in question here, not whether or not there's a law against running up the score.

wow your comparing murder to a game here. yes ethics are in question but why hold back? i would have felt worse knowing the other team was taking it easy on me.

also beign an athlete no matter what anyone says 100-0 is an acheivement im tired of all this babying ********. in midle school they dont even giving out first second and thrid place medals anymore they give everyone a participation medal like wtf is with this im tired of people sheltering there kids so they dont feel bad, id feel bad knowing my rents are trying to protect me from everything because they dont want me to grow the **** up and even they think im not good enough. like what is our world coming to. everyone blames teh coach btu it was up to those girls how the yplayed aswell. dotn see them gettign kicked off the basket ball team. the coach wasnt the one shooting hoops. and nothign was said about the lines he played he could have played his 2nd and 3rd string players. article has no mention.
I'm comparing murder to this situation because it's all about ethical standards, and how you see them playing out.
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