back from being banned. ask me anything

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Hmmm... maybe we should change molsen's screen name to Lazarus...

Welcome back.
I wonder if that was him in the cell down the hall... they kept crying all week...

molsen would make a better Gahmorra... sounds more girlified.
I have a question. Now youve been away from TF for a while, you must of had time to clear your mind, and think Logically. HAve you yet came to the conclusion the Xbox 360 OWns weres PS3 Sucks more then being shot through the head ?? :).
Does the legacy of being banned increase the probability of you banging hot chick?

what is it like on the other side? i hear there is a white light!
no, it is very dark

did it hurt to come back?
a little bit of pain in the groin region, but that's it

Did you actually even care?
at first, yes....but i grew accustomed to my sad, empty life without tech forums. now my life is too full and exciting and i think i might die from happiness

Did you have any sort of near death experiences or feelings of withdrawal?
as just stated, i almost died when i came back because the happiness particles built up in my brain and almost caused my happacortex to shut down.

What does God, Buddha, Allah (etc) prefer.... Milk in a bag or Milk in a plastic jug?
it's allah, and SHE prefers the plastic jug. she made it very clear that milkbag users would be sent to suffer for eternity after they die.

I have a question. Now youve been away from tech forums for a while, you must of had time to clear your mind, and think Logically. HAve you yet came to the conclusion the Xbox 360 OWns weres PS3 Sucks more then being shot through the head ?? :).
no, but i have come to the conclusion that you ask lame questions
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