The BabyKeeper!!!!!

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Haha, hang 'em by a coat hook.


That's almost as good as the cat carrier:

Hang your child up on your door it's safe, it's not as if doors swing back and forth. It also seems cruel.

The cat carrier was so funny I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
ROFLMFAO!!! i use to have that pic a LOOONG time ago.. but it got lost in a format... very nice.. thanks for reminding me about that...
Um, why? This has nothing to do with actual "skills" of parenting. It makes things easier, true, but what does that have to do with you parenting skills? If you say because it makes it easier, well then, you must believe that using disposable diapers is for non skilled parents because they are not using cloth diapers, forget that its more sanitary for the baby much like this would be safer for the baby instead of trying to cop-a-squat with them in your lap.
mrscientific13 said:
I categorize this under "stuipid stuff that idiots feel the need to buy becase they lack actual skills as a parent"

Have you ever tried to use a crowded public restroom toting a 1 or 2 year old???? Its an adventure, trust me!!!!! :p
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