Avatar Infaction??? WTF?

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There is no infraction. It seems Harper got all upset over a glitch.

DMo is setting up groups for various permissions, including custon avvys, titles, and sigs. I guess something got crossed up with it, but it should be sorted out soon.

Try to re-add your avvys,but if it doesn't work, it is just a bug, not a lock down.

Sheesh! o_o
The longer it takes for him to fix the sig rules the better... i need another 100 posts to get my sig back up after that lol. Oh well.. its only a picture.
Why does post count matter so much all of the sudden? You used to be able to add whatever avatar or sig you wanted no matter your post count. Sorry, Just seems an odd thing to base that on.
At least it was posted.

Dave (Dmo) has his hands full right now. He is at the hospital with his son. He's been there for a week, and will probably be there for another week. He has his lappy with him so he can still work on tech forums.

He's working on a technology forum website while his son is in the hospital?
Wow, priorities...
but if hospitals are anything like the ones here in canada.. he would go nuts sitting in wating room's all day reading fashion mag's.
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