Another school shooting

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Its all a big conspiracy... the government is trying to frighten it's own people. In their eyes, fear is a tool to control the general public.

Isn't it funny how all these shootings happen to take place durring election time? Also notice how the news companys tend to focus more on vilonce and death rather than other news... they are trying to convince the public America is a country where if you step outside your doorstep you are most likely going to be killed. They are trying to convince us we need our government to protect us.

And of course you all probably think I'm crazy, but it's true.
ulater6000 said:
Its all a big conspiracy... the government is trying to frighten it's own people. In their eyes, fear is a tool to control the general public.

And of course you all probably think I'm crazy, but it's true.

Silly alaskan.

No more drugs for you.
The General said:
Yeah, it's hard to believe that a few people with box cutters took over a jumbo jet full of people.

Well, they also believe that the terrorists threatened to have bombs. And bombs never seems to be healthy for the survival of an aircraft.

Its all a big conspiracy... the government is trying to frighten it's own people. In their eyes, fear is a tool to control the general public.

Isn't it funny how all these shootings happen to take place durring election time? Also notice how the news companys tend to focus more on vilonce and death rather than other news... they are trying to convince the public America is a country where if you step outside your doorstep you are most likely going to be killed. They are trying to convince us we need our government to protect us.

And of course you all probably think I'm crazy, but it's true.
Man, that Amish incident hits really close to home, I'm about 15 minutes to where the shooting occurred. :(
silly alaskan

either thing i want to point out is that 40 years earlier there were less laws against guns, there was less control on who/age could buy a gun, etc. and you didn't see this. No, IMO it's because parents are not raising their kids anymore. I've seen too many parents want to be "friends" instead of parents. whatever, maybe they need to institute random beatings. *ding* beat yer kids!!!1

anyway....General, preach it brother. I was the same way. Kid busted into the college dorms with the intent to kill his cheating girl friend. (she was, we all knew it, except for is blind) He cocked the shotty and pointed at the RA's head, so I broke a chair over his head. He now had a flat spot on the back of his head.
No, IMO it's because parents are not raising their kids anymore.

Yes, we have a winner.

Kids aren't being taught right and wrong anymore. They aren't getting the discipline they need.

Crap like this didn't happen when I was in school. people know that life had value, and that pulling something like this was just plain wrong. But kids today are taught "What is right for you may not be right for me"... relativism. There are no moral absolutes for these kids.

What was right back then is still right today. What was wrong back then is just as wrong today.
No, you are all wrong. It's the violent video games. They teach kids in the school yard to kill people when they play capture the flag.

Timmy: Hey Johhny! You wanna go play insta-gib CTF?
Johhny: That sounds like fun!





*boom boom*

Studies have shown that video games actually curb violence in teens. it lets them work out some aggression.
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