9/11 Video, planned by the government?

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I'm so F-ing sick of everybody at this forum continually touting how Bush was solely responsible for the planning and execution of 9/11. Get real guys and stop believing all this Internet propoganda. He can't run again anyways, so whats all the bashing for? Not like you have to persuade people not to re-elect him.
laserdiscs were crazy........I remember those back in 6th grade when we were forced to watch "Voyage of the Mimi".......wonder if anyone else has seen that.
I HATE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had to watch it for 5th grade science class, and to make matters worse, we had to make "journals" on what happened during that episode and what out personal thoughts were on the topic of that episode...
wow......did you have the same teacher or what? lol.....not only was it in science class for me as well.......and snap! Come to think of it, it was 5th grade for me because I was in elementary school.

We had to freakin pick a character and write an essay from their perspective after each 'section' we watched........god I hate that stupid show.

Man.......what was the US thinking forcing all of us to watch that crap in 5th grade science class? But I'm a couple years older than you, so I was probably in 7th grade by the time you watched it, so I can't believe they were still passing that crap around.

Lord of the Flies is another thing I absolutely despise......somewho every year since 8th grade my english teachers decided it would be a good book to read and in 11th grade I had to watch both the new and old version of the movie.

wow, i just found out that Ben Affleck was in that mini series "Voyage of the Mimi"

Its kinda like finding out that george carlin was the conductor on "Thomas the Train" and Laurence Fishburne played Cowboy Curtis in "Pee wee's Playhouse"

Ah, I hate lord of the flies..... I think that is one of the worst books ever!!!! 2nd to "Catcher in the rye"
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