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I have been a veteran pot smoker for about 5 years now, I work full-time doing IT management, have a healthy life and enjoy every minute of it. I don't like to get into the right/wrong fights about it. I agree with some of you that it is getting introduced to kids to early, but whos fault is that? "the drug dealers of america?" I think not. It's a choice. It may be illegal but I trust smoking herb more than I trust drinking booze. Too bad the Govn't likes to play with the statistics because they are scared about the latest pot research that shows that pot isn't as bad as it cracked up to be. Just wait I know that one day it will be legal. And if not here in the states definitly in Canada
My post is regarding the debate of marijuana vs cigarettes ..which is more dangerous?

Speaking from the point of view of someone who works with oncology drugs, no one really knows which is more of a carcinogen. The mere act of inhaling fumes from something that is burning is toxic. In fact, eating burnt foods are thought to increase your risk of stomach cancers. Burning is a chemical reaction.

What is generally thought to cause cancer (besides tar) from cigarettes is not inhaling smoke, but what is in the tobacco. Tobacco farms certainly treat the tobacco with fertilizers and pesticides. Do marijuana growers treat their crops with pesticides? I would certainly think so. And most definitely wood that is to be processed into paper (you have to roll it in some type of paper), decking material or whatever else is chemically treated. So whether you light up a cigarette or a joint you are releasing these toxins and inhaling them.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that cigarette smokers smoke 20-40 cigarettes a day for years on end. Certainly marijuana smokers do not have that many in a day and I have never heard of someone who is 80 years old and has been smoking marijuana since they were a teen. So, perhaps it's the quantity that is dangerous, but I don't think we can say that marijuana should be made legal and cigarettes banned because marijuana smoking doesn't cause cancer.
Shebobo said:
My post is regarding the debate of marijuana vs cigarettes ..which is more dangerous?

Speaking from the point of view of someone who works with oncology drugs, no one really knows which is more of a carcinogen. The mere act of inhaling fumes from something that is burning is toxic. In fact, eating burnt foods are thought to increase your risk of stomach cancers. Burning is a chemical reaction.

What is generally thought to cause cancer (besides tar) from cigarettes is not inhaling smoke, but what is in the tobacco. Tobacco farms certainly treat the tobacco with fertilizers and pesticides. Do marijuana growers treat their crops with pesticides? I would certainly think so. And most definitely wood that is to be processed into paper (you have to roll it in some type of paper), decking material or whatever else is chemically treated. So whether you light up a cigarette or a joint you are releasing these toxins and inhaling them.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that cigarette smokers smoke 20-40 cigarettes a day for years on end. Certainly marijuana smokers do not have that many in a day and I have never heard of someone who is 80 years old and has been smoking marijuana since they were a teen. So, perhaps it's the quantity that is dangerous, but I don't think we can say that marijuana should be made legal and cigarettes banned because marijuana smoking doesn't cause cancer.

Bravo! I am "for pot", but your comment was fantastic! FAAAAANTASTIC! Never read an arguement about this subject as good as yours. (does that make sense?)
gateway drug?

if so its only because we lie to our children and make marijuana out to be some insidious life destroyer. Then the kid goes and smokes pot. Nothing Happens. Now we have ruined our credibility with heroin and cocaine.

Having done a larger variety of drugs than the word count on this forum is prob set to, I realize that there are real dangers out there for children and adults. I do not think that government is the solution. I am not a supporter of prohibition of any susbtance. All that does is stigmatize and make the price higher.

I now smoke weed, consume caffeine, sugar, and chocolate. I would fear the effects caffeine could have than I am about THC. If anyone could reach a physical addiction to THC i honestly think I have consumed enough to be a candidate. However there are often periods of inactivity, simply to make the effect more potent at a future time. :)

Seriously, I know what addiction is, I have seen it to often. And I have always appreciated the irony of the person who is drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette and cant make it through the day without their cup of coffee in the morning telling me about the evils of marijuana.

btw, no i dont smoke paper. I use a pipe, the quality of what I smoke is to high to waste in something as inefficient as paper. Way past that mexican bud u get in high school, give u a headache and you thought you were high.
I used to read all of that stuff about pro-pot but I already know the truth about it and it pisses me off that we live in a society where people believe what is told to them by an old man rotting away in his Government office reading the latest B.S. "research" about how bad it is...... This is the kind of thinking that leads to violence, i need to smoke a joint chill out :)
RyansTech said:
I used to read all of that stuff about pro-pot but I already know the truth about it and it pisses me off that we live in a society where people believe what is told to them by an old man rotting away in his Government office reading the latest B.S. "research" about how bad it is...... This is the kind of thinking that leads to violence, i need to smoke a joint chill out :)

LOL!!! I think I'll join you...
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