100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

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Richard was always gona be the lesser of the two hefe -
1) He was from the crappy galactica.
2) He looked like he just came from a tooth paste commercial.
3) He isn't kate stachhoff.
Sadly i know them all. But i know that my wife doesnt and i know my child wont...
There were two I didn't recall, but Google let me know that I actually used them but had forgotten what they were called... :eek:
Your getting on a little the two of you come on time to take you to the old folk home :p
Sadly i remembered everything on that list. Vividly. LaserDisks, BetaMax (I had one of these till it finally broke just a couple years ago) and all of that. Something bring back some vivid memories as well. They forgot somethings like Atari, Kelcovision, Intellivision and so on. But with that said we could make a list of 1,000 things that have changed. It is a ever growing list...
  • Party-line telephones
  • Pay phones costing a nickel
  • Gas for less than a buck a gallon
  • Drive-in movies
  • A time before video games
  • Bookmobile visits at school
  • Smallpox vaccinations
  • Morning prayer at school
  • Teachers being shown the respect they deserve due to their position
  • No one in high school (or middle/junior high) pregnant
  • Marriages that lasted over ten years
  • Politics that were really "of the people, by the people, and for the people"
  • Morning milkman deliveries
  • Foot push-button starters
  • Foot push-button dimmer switches
  • Carburetors
  • Manual steering
  • Rabbit pregnancy tests
  • Being able to walk safely after dark
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