if you were being targeted by hackers

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Daemon Poster
i was just wondering.
if you were a moderately protected PC user and had some skills in network security.
and you were just happened to be the most hated person in the country and attacked by a few thousands of hackers.

how long would your PC hold up before being complete toast?

im talking about a typical setup with a cable modem/router with firewall,antivirus and other commonly known security measures. and the user having some moderate skills in network security.
read into APT

Advanced Persistent Threat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Advanced Persistent Threat
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
The "Advanced Persistent Threat" (APT) refers to advanced and normally clandestine means to gain continual, persistent intelligence on an individual, or group of individuals such as a foreign nation state government. While the APT is more commonly thought of as being an article of the computer era, it has existed since the realization of the benefits of intelligence gathering and long before the invention of the computer or internet.

In the computer security community, it is used to specifically refer to a sub-set of such threats, in a long-term pattern of targeted sophisticated hacking attacks aimed at governments, companies and political activists, and by extension, also to refer to the groups behind these attacks. A common misconception associated with the APT relates to its specificity to the targeting of Western governments. While examples of technological APT's against Western governments may be more publicized, this is incorrect, and the technological ('cyber') APT has been used by actors in many nations as a means to gather intelligence on individuals, and groups of individuals of interest.
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