How quickly can your password be cracked?

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Perhaps 'MyMotherToldMeToPickTheVeryBest1AndYouAreNotIt', except backwards. Will stop a brute force hacker and a dictionary hacker.
My passwords range from 14 to 23 characters long and are all unique per each website. The easiest and most secure way to do this? Make a short sentence about that webpage that is easy to remember.

For example, on tech forums you could say - "trotteristhe#1guru" or "hikarialwaysreplies1st"
For one of my randoms 13 long it would take about 540 thousand years for a single high end machine working non stop for it to crack.
lol TECHFORUMSRULES would take 500 million years t ocrack if it was your password.

and according to this my facebok password would take 1 million years to crack.
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