Youtube Comments

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Golden Master
In Gov't Regulated Cubical
\is there anyway to put them back as they were, nested as replys?

Its so hard to go read comments, and just have a huge string of comments, then have to try and figure out whos replying to what.

I've actually looked into the (just a little) myself, and, honestly the only "Solution" I can find is, well, none at all. All the discussions generally end up calling youtube and google crap and how most people could code better with a screaming Chimpanzee ripping out their eyes while they are eating pop-rocks trying to sleep. Or, something along those lines. (and yes, I really did link pictures to those words...)

All I have heard so far is that, it helps (a little bit) when you are viewing all comments, but even that is not really a solution.
You might try installing Stylish (for Firefox or Chrome) and finding something at

Opera can also load custom CSS styles for specific sites. Just save the css (to opera's directory or something)
go to the site you want to change, right click the page -> edit site preferences -> display
choose style sheet
Meh, thanks......... I don't use it enough to go through that much effort....

Viewing All is where the problem comes even worse, as it will only say b8 months ago, for 8 comments in a row..
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