Web Browser Wars

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New reports out show that IE is slowing starting to loose market share in the browser market. Reports show that Firefox is starting to gain marker share while IE continues to loose market share. Firefox will take the lead in the home market but its still very hard to run a business without IE I have quiet a few customers running HP and Microsoft shops and everything needs IE. It really stinks that vendors don't support other browsers. This makes it hard for a company like Mozilla to try and pull a head when they cannot appeal to the corporate market. I love Firefox its a fantastic browser runs very well, stable and secure. The issues I run into is when I am trying to use a customers server ILO or connect to a share point environment I get prompted “This browser is not supported”. Now you can run IE tab plug in but then you get a not so appealing looking screen and things are hard to find if you are following instructions. Over all I think in certain markets Firefox will surpass IE but I think vendors need to start making more compatible interfaces if Firefox is going to surpass IE in the future.

With Less than 50% Market Share, IE Is Now Losing the Browser Wars
Don't forget Chrome which is coming on strong.

I am hoping IE9 is everything I am hearing it will be. not that I will use it much, but it will keep keep IE in the race and spur everyone else along. Without IE and MS behind it the innovations brought about by Mozilla, Google, Opera, and even MS would slow and stagnate.

I know what you mean about "IE only" sites. >.<
Yeah this site claims IE has only 50% then another one says 85% and yet another one will say 5%. That site can only monitor traffic to its sites by which browser is used to access it. It can only get such information about what browser is used to access other sites by asking for permission for such numbers. So ALL of the sites are using bogus numbers as not a single one of them has an accurate count on users access ALL sites. It is just for a specific range of sites that they could get permission to use their numbers for. So i dont believe any of them that say Ie is losing, Firefox is losing, Chrome is gaining or whatever. As they are all bogus and only want you to know the specific information they want you to know to backup their report.

It is as simple as that. Use the browser that your happy with and dont worry about what other people are using. Life is to short to worry about if I am using the same browser as you and if not you have to try and convince me that my choice is wrong. No choice is wrong. Use what you like and stop trying to play this game.
Just to re-enforce Mac's post.
My Boss came in today saying that IE was losing ground and FF was gaining...yet I had just read IE had gained, FF lost, Chrome gained and Opera stayed the same lol.

Until Opera, Chrome and FF actually realize they need to put out a GPO like admin panel to control their browsers for the corporate world, they will always lose that portion.

I'm liking IE9 though. Nice and sleek. I've been using it and Opera 10.62.
FF has been annoying me all over ****'s half acre so I'm actually considering dumping it...I will miss my ABP, No Scrip and Better Privacy...but when it's constantly crashing, having INSANE load times and telling me it's bloody embarrassed all the time...

I don't touch Chrome, don't care for the small print, don't care for Google.
Yeah I understand where you are coming from with this you can only monitor your site you can't monitor the whole internet so a web site like Microsoft would probably say IE is winning but yet another site like Red Hat would say FF is winning makes sense.
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