Upload/Download speed

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This is dependent on several things.

1. Is your distance away from the exchange. The futher away you are the slower your net will be.
2. You ISP package. You can only go as fast as the package you have. So if the max you can get is 768kb/s up then you will never be able to go faster than that. This also works in conjunction with 1. If you are 10 or more miles away you will not even get the max. But something much slower.
3. If you are on cable or some other shared connection. This is where not only you but your neighbors share the connection routes. Cable does this so if everyone is using the net at the same time it will be slow for all of you as there is only 1 pipeline for all the information to travel.

It also depends on the things you run on your PC. If you are tring to upload a 4GB file while you are also downling a 4GB file you will notice major slowdown.

First start with your ISP and package. Test using Speedtest.net and that will give you a rough idea of how fast your speeds are. But make sure you turn off any and all things that use net access when you do.

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