Starting a fashion forum...want input...

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Hello all, first off don't make fun. It's just an idea I've been working on and I'm not "homosexual". Just want to provide a service for something that I KNOW everyone is interested in, even grown men. Everyone wants to look good duh!

After months of research and rough drafts I have decided it is time for me to actually attempt to launch my own forum. I have been asking around for advice as well as simply "what people think of a fashion forum". It seems this idea could be very marketable and highly attractive to all age groups so I've decided to go ahead and at least shoot for it, why not.

I'm looking for opinions on some things. Would anyone here be interested in this? My forum would start small and eventually expand into a sort of "hub" for all things of fashion. It would market to all age groups for discussion of fashion in general, trends, what people would like to see happen etc. I also aim to provide a place for local designers and talented people allover the globe to be able to market their OWN styles and what not, as it is very difficult to compete with the current big heads who already dominate the competition. I would hope as well to be able to achieve a status where ig name retailers would like to advertise on the forum, as well as provide a vendor-ship to them so they could have direct selling and marketing through the forum. I figure this could be a great way to gather people in one place and expose them to fashion they've never been aware of before. Kind of an all-in-one concept.

I hope I can expand this site into something of great value and really help the industry continue to grow.

My questions to you all are...would any of you be interested in this concept? Would your wives or girlfriends be interested in it? Have you ever wanted this before?

Please PM me, or post in this thread with advice, opinions or comments of any kind. I am working on my test forum layout currently and hope to run a rial forum to generate interest for a few weeks and see how she does and if the turn out is great, I will make the transition to a professional styled forum and really get the ball rolling. I'll update this thread as I make progress, IF people show any interest. If interest is high, please tell everyone you know, friends, family, girlfriends etc. I know someone somewhere would think it'd be great to go to one place and talk/visualize fashion of all kinds, and possibly in the future just do all of their purchasing through there as well vice going to a store or in dealing with a company website that only lets you view online and not purchase. (Possibly vendor specific sales on the forum as well, to save extra $!) Thank you everyone! I look forward to any input!

setting up the forum should be the easy part. the hard part being getting the users to like it and visit regularly. make the forum, but focus more on creating content for your site. years back, i "mirrored" some lyrics pages on geocities. I was surprised on how many hits and emails I received. Lyrics pages are a dime a dozen on the net. why did my pages generate traffic? Anyways, at the time forums were not popular. But now, forums are an awesome communication tool. A lot of times, I'll look for a forum to a site that i find interesting. But its the content that got me there.

What content can you host? What are other sites doing / have hosted?

reviews and opinion articles come to mind. find some other people to help generate content as well.

I've also seen forums host contests and giveaways. Try to think of some good thread topics like "what's your hottest outfit?".
Thanks so much for your input. Those are awesome ideas. I'm working on everything I can, slowly but surely =)
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