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Golden Master
Why do we even have that site? Why don't we just redirect straight to It looks ugly as, and there's no easy link to the main /pc forum. Instead there's a little dropdown list, with awkward, glaring ads posted right next to it.
I know if I was searching for a solution to a problem and came across that I'd be pretty put off.
I think we are working on something to do with the main page but I am not exactly sure what.
When I first came across the site to be honest I clicked right back to Google and went to the next website. Eventually I ended up back here, I think as a result of linking directly to /pc and seeing the forum.
We already know about the home page. It is something that has been discussed for a LONG time. There is a plan to do something with it. We jsut have to get time with our coder and finalize the plans to get it put into action. This is not new, this is something that has been talked about for a couple of years already.
Well, Saxon and Mak have already gave all the info.

Yes, we know about it. Larry knows about it and wants to get something done about it but hasn't had the time nor opportunity to address it. He has a couple of things in mind (probably more like a dozen knowing Larry), but all of them will take a bit of doing to pull off.
I've done reviews for a lot of sites smaller than this. There's enough traffic at this site to get free stuff for reviews if the Front Page was spruced up. Maybe change the layout to news and affiliate reviews simular to HardOCP. And add some tabbed links to in-house reviews, articles, blogs, guides, etc... Just a thought.
All of those things mentioned are already under consideration. That and much, much more.
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