Who shares your shared hosting?

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Golden Master
Who shares your shared hosting?

I host my website on shared hosting. My connection is too slow and unreliable to justify running my own server and I have no need to hire a dedicated server or a VPS. Consequently, many other websites are hosted on the same box as mine and I have often wondered their nature. In addition to curiosity, this could be used to check to see you agree with the ethical stance of your webhost, to check to see if any of the other sites drain resources (thus slowing your site) and to check for any possible security risks.
Every server has an IP address and using specialist websites, a list of domains which point to that IP address can be returned. Several websites do this, and many charge for the service.
If one types in a domain or IP address on myIPneighbors.com, the site lists other domains that point to that IP. It can be a little unreliable, though, no doubt due to the site's heavy load.
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