Blind Search Tool is Pretty Nifty

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Golden Master
Blind Search Tool is Pretty Nifty

Want to know which search engine results you really prefer, without having your personal biases cloud the decision? Enter the blind search tool. Much like those old school Coca Cola vs Pepsi blind taste test commercials, you enter your search criteria and then the tool brings back the results with all branding stripped out. Neat!

This search tool strips out all the branding, so you're forced to really think about which results you like better. And early results showed a much more even distribution than Google's 70% market share would suggest: Google: 44%, Bing: 33%, Yahoo: 23%. The score keeping feature was removed when people found a way to game it, but you can still run the test against yourself and see which search engine you really like the best.
developed at microsoft


can someone show proof that its not biased towards microsoft and yahoo since they are teamed up and main competitors of google?
developed at microsoft


can someone show proof that its not biased towards microsoft and yahoo since they are teamed up and main competitors of google?

According to early results, Google is the more helpful.
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