I am an extremely amatuer web designer and I need help with Dreamweaver CS5

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Beta member
I just got my copy of cs5 yesterday and after toying around with it for a while and spending a couple of hours looking for tutorials I've decided to try this out. can anyone help me out with how to start using this program, ANY advice would be a huge help, thanks :)
+1 to w3schools.com - best resource for HTML/CSS/XML/PHP/SQL, hands down.

Other than that, google some dreamweaver tutorials.
Use code / design split view and just get some pure HTML tutorials, not Dreamweaver centred ones.
Lynda.com has some really good tutorials that will be specific to DW. They cost money, but it's really a good crash course.

I would second the suggestion of learning about the basics before you try to use the program. The program usage will make much more sense once you know what HTML does and how CSS works. W3Schools is an excellent resource for web designers. W3.org is also a good site with information on standards and why things are the way they are.

If you're designing web sites then you'll also need to know how to create graphics, so also search around for Photoshop and Fireworks tutorials.

EDIT: LOL...just saw that this was an old resurrected post....doh!
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