Help with header problem

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Hi I am just finishing up a site I threw together and I am having a few problems. The site is I am a novice designer as you probably will notice. I am using Dreamweaver 8. The problem I am having is the table/header at the top of the pages. The table is at 100% width to fit all resolutions, the banner image is set to 100% width of the inner cell, the banner image regular size is set so that on a 800X600 resolution the table does not expand passed normal page size.
First problem: I am not sure if this is fixable, but when the image expands on a higher resolution/larger monitor the text in the banner becomes a little pixelated. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Second Problem: On my 17" monitor the banner fills the inside table completely width & height. When I viewed this on a 19" monitor, I get
1/4" gaps above and below the banner between the banner and the table border. The reason this is happening is the text that is in the 2 outer cells(softball, cornhole, darts ect..) is growing in height causing the table to expand in height, there seem to be bigger spaces between the words than there are on my smaller monitor. Any advise on this?
I tried setting the height of the banner to 100% in dreamweaver design mode, but it makes the banner hieght huge. The size of the banner is normally 600X160 when I set to 100% height it changes to 600X450 and I have no idea why considering the table is only 160 pixels tall.
Thanks in advance.
When you stretch images like that, they get distorted. That's just how it is. If you want to be able to resize without distortion you'll need to make vectors, which is beyond my knowledge of graphic design.

For the gaps, try putting cellspacing="0" and cellpadding="0" into the <table> element.
I have had the same problem in the past.

You need to make the resolution of the header at least as big as your target screen resolution w/out distortion.

This was hard for me to get away from, but do not size your tables in %. Size your table in px and you'll have less problems with distortion as your tables will be static.

Make everything fit 800x600 use px instead of % for tbl props, make sure everythings size is defined
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