custom chapter by chapter webpage

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Daemon Poster
United States
I'm currently investing some research into a page by page display of my writing on my webpage similar to for an example, a user clicks on a desired 'chapter' of the writing, things like the title, current chapter or page there on is at the top of the screen and they click 'next page'. now, am i looking at creating a page for every chapter or piece of writing i upload? or is there something else I can do. I know it sounds a bit confusing but this is the best way i can explain things.
Here's my pageI changed it from the -last- time i was here a few weeks ago.
I think this could be characterized as a basic layout. You should make a new page for every chapter because :

1) This would allow the user to select to read their desired chapter
2) A user gets bored and tired if the text on the web is very long
3) It's just beter organization and search machines will index it more efficiently

You should make a page for all of your writings and a page for each chapter of your writings.

Your site is a bit confusing in the design part. First of it has an enormous gap in the middle fill it with a layer that will load there the frames. Secondly, you should correct your banner's white balance and contrast. You need to make the black look more saturated as it seems grey combined to the backround, or you could simply use a dark grey hue for the backround.
Alright, I got it down to where I'll have some navigation within the HTML documents when reading, I'll do the same for my poetry or short stories I suppose. Have any suggestions on creating a css dynamic image gallery such as this: Dynamic Drive CSS Library- CSS Image Gallery

I don't want the thumbnails, i'd like an onclick action that will pop up the same way.
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