questions before purchase

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I'm buying wireless cable, and I want a server to host all of my code I write and compiles programs. I use computers most for programming, but previously have been using Linux to do so. (mainly KDevelop) heres my questions -

Can I get freeware coding tools and compilers for OSX?
Will I be able to get a freeware ftp and ssh server? Apache?

i'm pretty new to apple systems,

so thanks
1. Not that I can find. XCode comes with gcc and the works. If you subscribe to the Apple Developer's Connection, you can get a copy. It may come with your new Mac.

2. FTP, SSH, and web server abilities are built in. All you have to do to enable them is go to System Preferences-Sharing, and enable FTP Access, Remote Login, and Personal Web Sharing. The personal web sharing feature uses a form of Apache.
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