Dashboard dev mode

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The General

Okay, I know it's possible to get the widgets out of the dashboard by running:

defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES

In the Terminal, but how can I get regular windows into the Dashboard?

Why is this useful? Because the Yahoo Widget Engine has some cool widgets that I'd like to be in the Dashboard instead of out all the time. That, and I'd also like a couple programs like WireTap to be in the Dashboard.

If you have time, help me search Google, I've already been searching for a day or so now, haven't found much. I would really appreciate some help here.
I shall try it when I go home. :)

Blasted job, I wish I could just play on my Mac all day. :p

Although, I use the bottom left corner to start the Dashboard, so it's not exactly what I was looking for, but I'm still going to try it.
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