What is the best software to use to remote into a computer?

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In Runtime
Saint Louis, Missouri
I'm wondering since I use vnc and net meeting to remote into my employees and customer's machine. Is there an easier way? I should say is there a more applicable way? Is net meeting the more accessible and easiest way to do it?

Looking for suggestions.
I use remote desktop whenever possible.

otherwise, tightvnc.

my co worker likes www.logmein.com for people outside the building who need tech support in a remote location.

i don't know anyone else using netmeeting anymore. i think remote desktop is the replacement. you maybe working with 9x machines though. rdc is only xp and up
Radmin, just because of the low overhead. I've been using VNC lately though because of the compatibility with my iPhone and *nix.

*If I'm going from Windows to Windows... Radmin always for me.
*If I'm going Windows to *nix or anything else ... vnc
*Presentations, Live meeting or Webex...depends.

I second this. I have used it several times since I have first seen it. 50+ sessions in about a week or 2. It uses a TightVNC plug-in program. Very secure, users have to allow file transfers, there are 'no back-doors in the client or the servers.' Great little application, for very quick service. The only bad thing I can think of is the remote desktop closes when some applications are launched. I.E. Full screen programs games/videos, and sometimes IE when it is in Full Screen.
I likethe vnc so far. Is there anything that I can get where as for example. I'm on the phone with a new customer and want to remote into thier system with their permission and I can do it?
Also last question. This is something I'm confused about. Say for example you use something like vnc to remote into someones machine. They happen to be behind a router. They have an 192.xxx ip address. How would I remote in? What information would I need from the customer?
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