WAN crossword puzzle help

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I need some help finding the last few words for a crossword puzzle our networking teacher gave us. Any help would be appreciated.

14d - "light weight" global directory services based on X.500


10d - 32-bit PC card slot


12a - Cable, Fibre, and wireless are examples of


3d - X.25 packet interface standard for credit card authentication terminal


1d - Two or more B channels combined


I think i have the rest correct, if you know the answer and it doesn't match up please let me know.
14d the light weight gave it away (along with the AP....which most of the time...stands for access protocol)
Light Weight Access Protocol! (LDAP)

10d EISA (probably the easiest one of the bunch)

i would've thought that 1d would be BISDN......but clearly not the case..... google would take too long. hopefully those gave you a good start!
Nah he is a cool dude, as long as we find the answers he doesn't care. I just couldn't get those last few, i searched google for a long time without luck.
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