Transfering hotmail mail to gmail

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Well then you have to send them to yourself, i do think. i really dont know of any other way to get them there.
ya, the way detailed in the first responce should work, i just don't know how to configure it. i need to know how to get the mail into a form that GML reads so it can push the mail back up to the server
Alright, I'm not going to lie to you, but I cant hlp you with that one.
OK, i've got one'a my hotmail mail acc's into thunderbird, i used a diffrent program Hotmail Popper, i suppose it does the same thing as FreePOPs but kind'a explained it a diffrent way that i understood..... ok so now i need to find the mail on my computer to point GML to it... i found where it's supposed to be but there's no files there
ok, i found another program.... CLI that converts O.E. .DBX files into .MBX files.... (DbxConv - however something like 72 files failed to send when I used GML... it kept complaining about server timeout. so i'm going to shelve this for the night and try it again tomorrow at work and push this stuff through our mail server, see if that clears up the errors!
OK, I figured out a pretty easy way to do this that circumvents doing some of the more complicated things in the original post. i'll take some time this week and put together a tutorial on how i did it, the programs you'll need and where to get them.
(FOREWORD, this guide covers Outlook Express, I donÂ’t know if the same applies to Microsoft Outlook. If you find .dbx mail files associated with your Outlook then I donÂ’t see why this guide wouldnÂ’t work for you too)

OK IÂ’m going to start out with the tools that youÂ’ll need;

DbxConv.exe – (
MNavi110.exe – (
GML - (
Outlook Express

Now a brief explanation of these tools;

DbxConv is a CLI (Command Line Interface) toolÂ… yes youÂ’ll need to use it through DOS, this tool will convert your Outlook Express .dbx mail files into .mbx (aka mBox) mail files.

MailNavigator is an awesome program that allows you to view different sorts of mail files. This will be important especially if you multiple accounts loaded into your Outlook Express client.

GML, this little jewel was created by Mark Lyon. This is the program that will send all your mail to your GMail account.

ALRIGHT, letÂ’s start the processes.

1.) First off download ( and install MailNavigator, go with all the default settings and set that aside, weÂ’ll use it in a coupleÂ’a steps.

2.) Second, for the sake of this guide we’re going to create some directories. Open up Windows Explorer and create a folder in root called “Mail” ex. [C:\Mail]. And a subfolder called “Box1” ex. [C:\Mail\Box1] if you know you have more then one account that you plan to load into your GMail account create more folders now e.g. Box2, Box3 etc… This will help keep the different mail files organized so you don’t accidentally upload a box multiple times.

3.) Third, download DbxConv ( to “C:\Mail” and copy it into the subfolder(s). The actual executable needs to be in the same folder with the .dbx file it’s converting as per the authors instructions.

4.) Download GML ( and unzip it to your desktop.

5.) Now you’ll need to open up your Outlook Express. (Let me start this by saying if you have more then one folder that you store messages in…. e.g. different folders for mail from friendA mail from friendB, move all your messages into your inbox. The reason for this is because each one of those folders is stored as a different .dbx file on your hard drive, and their not well named; also if you don’t consolidate your messages to your inbox you’ll need to upload each folder’s .dbx file individually and besides it all goes into your GMail’s inbox regardless.) Now click on your Hotmail account in the left hand pane, and in the right hand pane you should see “Synchronization Settings” check off the Inbox (and other folder’s if you didn’t consolidate them) and click the “Synchronize Account” button.

6.) Now if you have multiple accounts repeat the above processes for those accounts.

7.) Once your account(s) have been synchronized, you need to get the .dbx file(s). For Outlook Express youÂ’ll find these files in the following location
~>C:\Documents and Settings\<YOUR USER NAME>\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\<SOME BIGÂ’OL 37 DIGIT ALPHANUMERIC STRING INSIDE {}>\Microsoft\Outlook Express\<~
I don’t know the differences between the folders in the Identities folder, but they’re different. If you have more then one identity you’ll need to figure out which one has the file(s) you’re looking for. This is where MailNavigator comes into play. (I’m going on the idea that you followed my advice and consolidated your messages to your inbox, if you didn’t, you’re going to need to search through the other files in this folder to find your messages) Now the file(s) your looking for ‘SHOULD’ be named [*Inbox*.dbx] * indicates that there could be a space or word there or nothing at all. In any case it should probably be one of the biggest files in the directory. Double click it, and open it with MailNavigator, browse through the messages in there and make sure that they’re the messages you want to send to your GMail account. Now copy that .dbx to [C:\Mail\Box1].

8.) Repeat step 7 if you have more then one mailbox to move. Then copy those .dbx files to the recursive Box# subdirectories.

9.) Now we need to convert the .dbx files into .mbx. Open up a dos window, > Start – Run – CMD < now navigate to the .dbx files type in the following [CHDIR C:\Mail\Box1] with out the []’s
Now your prompt should look like C:\Mail\Box1> at that prompt type [DbxConv.exe -mbx filename.dbx]. Type exit to close the dos window.

10.) Repeat step 9 for multiple mailboxes substituting the 1 in Box1 for which ever box your doing.

11.) Now to send the mail to your GMail account, Open up GML [gmlw.exe].

-In the SMTP Server filed I recommend using a different SMTP server if you can, I had some slight problems with the default one, it rejected say 4 or so of my 150 messages, now for you that may be ok, but I wanted to keep ALL my mail, that was the point. If you have Comcast ISP, you can probably use their server. I used the server here at work.

-In the Configure Your Email File field click find and navigate to C:\Mail\Box#

-Leave the next two fields along

-In the Enter Your GMail Address fileldÂ….. put the email address you wish to send your mail to

-Now click the Send to GMail button

12.) Repeat step 11 for additional mailboxes

13.) Your done, log into your GMail account and look at all your mail
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