Network Cable Unplugged problem

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You know I was hoping it didn't work, but you were sucessfully pinging the router and pretty much threw my logic out as of now. Since this problem is with the network cable being unplug, this is a problem that comes and go and is very hard to troubleshoot.

The only thing that I can tell you as of now from reading your situation, is that the Corinex is causing the problem. What I think is happening is it loses power at sometime and this cause windows to remind you the cable is unplug, well the cable doesn't need to be unplug for windows to tell you that, if the cable has no power windows will remind you the same thing. So two things is at stake, this is a problem that comes and go, so I can only assume that the Corinex is acting up and losing power at some point or the NIC might be doing the same. Two possible problem, if you replace the NIC you can be sure that the Corinex is the problem.
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