How Do Gaming Servers Work?

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Solid State Member

I am a avid Counter Strike Source player and wondered how do internet gaming servers work? Like, how can companies offer services, do they send server rack mounts to datacenters to be hosted? Sorry, if i sound like a noob lol, HELP!

Xfire Username: imback08033
Like do they usually run servers on a T1 line? And when like a customer pays a monthly fee for a 20 person server or whatever size, do they just allocate a certain about of space on their HDs for it? Or is run through like a ftp configuration. I must sound like a major noob, could someone help try to clarify how this all works? THANK YOU!!!
Doesn't really matter what type of hardware or connection they are using.... A server is a computer, just the same as you posted the thread with... only difference is that a game server isn't generally used as a PC, and typically has lots of RAM, and powerful CPU's..

As far as the software side... I am in the dark.
i thought ....just what i assumed that when u hire a server its a big box with as said above lots of ram and high powered CPU's and a very high bandwidth..certain information is then stored on this server using software which im not sure about. when clients then connect to this server which is hosting files ...such as maps sounds etc..they then play on this server which is rented and the person whjo pays the bill is the admin and can allocate other admins.
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