To get signal strength.

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Narayana vivek

Beta member
hi ,
i had started code for accessing the ndis driver and then to get the parameters. if any help to get the code (sample/complete),plz reply .
started coding in c++. the parameters will be present in the driver (NIC) of the receiving system. so inorder to get that details the code should be written using c++.
sorry mate. Your not making a lot of sence to me. Can you elaborate what you are looking for? Do you want someone to write you code to do this?
Might want to explain a little before jumping the gun...
thanx Inaris.
yes , you are right. my requirement is to get the details from the ndis driver. the signal strength will be identified from that and then displayed in graph. code if possible provide me.
what is this for? platform. Card.

and why not do the work yourself. if you don't know, then learn it. it's something we all have the ability to do.
Oh I think i vaguely understand. Basically you are wanting to create a program to show the recieved signal strength of a wireless connection on a graph of some kind. Am I right? And you want to know how to get the signal strength details from the network card driver so you can use them to show the graph? I think that's what you mean.
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