Cannot get virtual DNS server working?


Beta member

As the title implies, I am having trouble configuring a virtual DNS server on a virtual network.

Basically, I am using virtual box to set up a virtual network. I have two Kali Linux machines and one Ubuntu Server machine. I have all the systems set to the same internal network in virtualbox. I have also manually assigned all systems different IP's on the same subnet, and made sure they have different MAC addresses.

To configure the DNS setup, I went to the hosts file in Ubuntu Server and added the IP of the Kali machine I wanted to contact and the name that I gave that machine, Kali1. I then made sure to go to both Kali machines and add my ubuntu server IP address in resolv.conf, to make it my primary DNS server for both machines. Finally I booted up Apache2 on the target Kali1 IP so I could search my machine name in a web browser from Kali2 and have the html appear.

So, the idea would be, type Kali1 into the web browser on Kali2. Kali2 then contacts it's DNS server, which is my ubuntu server VM (listed in resolv.conf). Ubuntu server checks the hosts file for Kali1 and finds the IP there. It then redirects Kali2 to Kali1, and the html on Kali1's apache2 web server appears on Kali2's screen.

When I try this, it just says, can't connect to server.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

Many thanks.
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