Bandwidth Cap Killing Me :C

Nothing. Even though I live in a city of 50000, we're still classed as a 'regional center' so all of our internet connections go through the phone lines.
I have 5Mb service, and I download over 12GB daily myself. That doesn't include the other 5 adults in this house that stream, or how much the stupid DirecTV DVR downloads while I'm not hogging the internet.

16GB would be for old folks who hardly use the internet anymore. Considering a 1080p flick streamed over Netflix can easily be 8GB itself.

I agree with XGC, unless you can front the cancel cash and any other fees I wouldn't bother your dad too much about it. Or you can do like I used to do to my parents back in the day. When they ***** about the slow internet from being over a cap, remind them that Verizon is faster and unlimited ;)
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