using fc1 C/C++ compiler

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john Cold

Beta member
greetings commrades,

is there anybody who understands how to compile code using the gcc compiler built in to fc1. i assumed that the compiler itself had to be added from the cd so ofcourse i tried to add it...but, low and behold an error ocurred while trying to install one of the rpm packages and i have no idea what packages i do and dont need(theres a load of em as u know). if anybody could even vaguely run me thru the steps of setting up and using the gcc compiler, i'd appreciate it

When you install FC1 they give you an option to install the programming languages. The nice thing about linux is that its so modular. Most linux distro's install that as a default..soooo I know it's a bit redundant but, are you sure it's not already installed? Try running it from the console. Code something in your fav. editor (VI is mine) and then type gcc "filename.c". There are a few options that can accompany it...try man gcc and that will give you a better understanding.
Install the development libraries and apps, they should be in a separate section on the install disk
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