Networking Linux Distro


Beta member
Evening guys,

So im a somewhat novice linux user who knows a fair amount of command line and Im looking for some suggestions on linux distros that are good for network administration / network configuration that I can do some CLI through a terminal but also would have a GUI. Does anyone have any distro that they can recommend?
Right on, thank you for your response. I just looked at the links and videos you sent and its exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
Webmin has stagnated in development a little bit it seems. Ajenti has proven to be a good alternative. It provides you with a GUI that lets you adjust things through the web interface but it doesn't muck around with the config files at all, unlike some other platforms, such as Zentyal, which totally rewrites the config files into its own format and style.

We run Puppet at work along with our own internal git repo. Puppet is not something that is easy to master, but once you get it fine tuned, it's a dream.
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