Mandrake 9.2 Live is fantastic/FreeBSD/SUSE9.1/FeatherLinux/SAM1.1

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Daemon Poster
Townsville, QLD
Recently Put the Live version of Mandrakemove 9.2 though it's paces, it was fantastic, it was great at the Hardware configuration stages, Had Relitivly good Multimedia Faciliities, Internet worked fast and Effectivly it was great. Also good Games and good Word processing and good capabilitty for the basic administaing tasks. It was great for all those Linux users who haven't tried Mandrake/mandriva, you don't know what your missing

Tried Free BSD live called FreeSBIE it was O.K not as good As some of the others I've tried though.

Tried SUSE 9.1 as I was told it was better than 9.2 while it is fractionally better with the Hardware side of things, I DON'T reccomend SUSE

FeatherLinux was A simple and Basic OS that would be good for the Linux user who travels, and is stuck using Windows....It is Able to do all the Basic administator Tasks, such as word processing, which is All you really want when your working anyway! no multimedia or Games and the CD was A little hard to configure overall though it was O.K Though if you want An extermly lightwaight distro go with DSL or BertrIX

I also Tried Sam 1.1, this is A nice Looking CD with a Gnome environment, Great for all the basics Word processing Internet.... it's all there.

I'll let you know how the Testing of Other Distros goes as I progress though them....

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