Installing on SuSE 9.1 Pro

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Solid State Member
I have 2 problems today. I just got SuSE 9.1 Pro and installed discs 1 and 2 out of 5 total discs. Now I can log on to Linux and everything but I cant hear sound and I have no clue what disc 3, 4, and 5 are for and how to install them. When I out it in the disc drive it doesn't do anything and when I try booting from the disc drive it doesn't do anything. My second problem is with a game for Linux I downloaded. It's called America's Army and it downloaded in a BIN format. I cant figure out how to install this. It won't open when I click on it so I clicked in the box that said to make it an executable file and then opened it. It said "Verifying archive integrity..." then disappears. I tried to open it through Konsole and it said this, "Zach@linux:~> cd Desktop Zach@linux:~/Desktop> ls armyops210-linux.bin Network.desktop Printer.desktop SuSE.desktop myComputer.desktop Office.desktop Support.desktop Trash Zach@linux:~/Desktop> sh armyops210-linux.bin Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 69ea490c7e0b7661208d39b29134dc82 is different from 5df640bb75de65b4dc9f4a4d15d17106" How can I fix these problems??? :mad:
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