Gparted/Hard Drive issue

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Ubuntu:Gutsy -

That is a good guide to read. Also found this:

Couple links:

CommandLine Beginners:

Basic Commands: & Linux File Structure): Learn the Linux command line. Write shell scripts.

Linux commands: Unix and Linux commands, information and help

Also you have your "man" pages which you can access from the terminal prompt as well.

Which came form the Ubuntu Forums.
Browser Plug-ins

Ubuntu automatically installs plug-ins required to browse a site in Firefox. But if you want to install plug-ins run the following in Terminal:

For Java plug-in:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin

For Flash plug-in:
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

Or if you want to support the open source flash plugin:
sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash

Right from the Ubuntu Gutsy Wiki link i first posted. ;)
all of that is up to date and when i go to and try to play some flash games its just a black box and not letting me do anything. any thoughts on this?
Are you using Firefox? OR a different browser? It sounds as if the F;ash install eiher didnt work right the first time or maybe it was isntalled to many times?
im using firefox the latest version in fact. i have tried this numerous times. how would i reverse the effect just uninstall and reboot? and retry the install?
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