Deleting a partition in linux

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How do I delete a partition in linux? I tried the command fdisk d hda2 but it didn't work. Can some one please tell me the correct command.

I am trying to delete hda 2-4 from what I am told. I am trying to upgrade from redhat 8 to fedora 5.
You need to first be logged in as root.
Type: "fdisk hda"
If you type "p" it will list your partitions on this drive, "m" will give you a list of options you can perform.
Now that you have your list of partitions open, type "d" to delete, and then the corresponding number of the partition you want to delete.
Continue this procedure to delete all the partitions you do not need.
Once finished, type "w" to actually perform the operations and write the partition table.
Just use Gparted it's a free Partition Magic clone

Bootable ISO, Free, Linux based, GNU Licensed
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