What's hot?

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Solid State Member
Hi all!

Okay so we all know that the way of technical support like Help Desk, Deskside, network Admins are a dying breed with virtualization and moving jobs over seas.

I work for a large company and they are moving everything over seas. Maybe 20,000 so far this year. I would like to stay in the IT industry. Just curious what's hot right now. I was going to go for the Windows server 2008 but like I said not sure if it's worth it anymore.

Any tips or thoughts would be great :)
Agreed, not sure where you got that from. Programming jobs and jobs that are easily outsourced are moving overseas. But Network Admin and hands-on support are still staying in the states for two reasons. One a lot of it needs to be hands on, something that you cannot do when you are in another country. And two, for the higher level jobs like network admin the rest of the world is still playing catchup in the higher-paying tech jobs.

So yes, lower jobs like help desk are being moved overseas, the higher-end jobs are still staying in the states because that is where a lot of the talent is.

(when i say states i mean locally, so UK, Australia, wherever the company is based).
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