techno newb


Solid State Member
Im wanting to learn more about computers and stuff. I've been looking things up online and doing some research but I dont quite know enough to follow some of it. Basically what im asking is. Can anybody point me in the right direction.
"Computers and stuff" is quite broad... what exactly are you wanting to learn more on?
Networking, Programming, Database, security, helpdesk tech, etc. Lots of different areas.

Is this just for personal, or are you attempting to get a job in the IT/tech industry? Are you wanting to go into classes related to tech/IT?
I've really just begun to peek in the box. So I really dont know what I want, im just feeling around in the dark. Im interested in computer engineering and science. I want to learn this for personal and possibly for a job.
Grab a book. At least an A+ book. It'll teach you the basics, then you can choose what interest you the most from there.
Ya start with an A+ book. Mike Meyers has some great material out there, also a TON of free information at - dozens of free hours there.
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