Hey guys a question.

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Work? On a Sunday?

Never ! :)

Or did you meen using my web design skills to their full potential !
Sorry with Tkey being the internet wizard an saying the UK can use something like this i thought he could try and set something up like that.
ahright i get you, it would cost some in money for advertise the site to a certain audience, us.
ahright i get you, It wont be that hard to build the site but it would cost some in money to advertise the site to a certain audience, "us".
Would take me and CrazeD about 6 hours to have it up and running. Me on the front-end design and him with his MySQL and php skills back-end ;)
Why would we need it, we all know enough about computers here in the UK anyway ;)
Well I can see a need for it, trust me people would rather have on sight repair than have to drag there comp to the tech-guys. And the prices they charge are through the roof I would sign up for that.
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