Entering the IT industry - Advice

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Troll Patrol
Over the Rainbow
I dropped out of college to pursue a music career, and I've been a professional musician for about 5 years, I love my work. I get to see places I probably wouldn't get the opportunity to see otherwise, and the money is good.

I'm being bugged mainly by my mother, that I need something to fall back on when I wash out. IT came to mind first, as I have always loved computers, gaming, software... I'm doing my first hardware build as we speak.

I don't have ANY certifications, classes, anything related to IT. What I know I know just from playing around on a computer over the last decade.

So basically, where do I start?
comptia's a+ cert will enable you to start looking for entry level tech jobs

if you've been working with xp for long, you could try passing microsoft's 270 cert test and achieve MCP status. However, companies maybe looking for certs involving Vista or greater. be sure to check to see if MS is still running Second Shot, which allows ppl to take a test a second time for free.

here's a free ebook for win 7 test

My recommendation is SCHOOL.

Maybe not a 4 year Bachelor but look into a college or something for a class. You literally cannot pick up from the empty and go I can fix a computer. I can list a handfull of people who do repairs and have no REAL knowledge. I showed a Windows Activation screen to one of them and he literally asked me what that screen was.

Education is key/
i agree that college education is key for career planning. However, I believe people wanting entry level jobs should look to obtain one or two certs first. This could prolly be done in 6-8 months. The certs will boost your resume to a level that make companies give the callback for interviews. Also, look to get your name out there. Most jobs are obtaining through word of mouth and professional contacts.
I was having a conversation with my partner today and he agreed with me. If you like gaming and fiddling around with PC's. You shoould stay away from it.
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