Another Newbie

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Beta member
Sup all, I'm Josh. I was told to come here, sign up and check this site out. About the only thing I know about this site is that it has to do with computers and technology surrounding them. My friend, sethduncan on the forums, told me to sign up. He said I'd learn a lot from this place.

I guess you could say I know more than your average person does about PCs, but I'm still learning new things all the time. I only hope to expand my knowledge and help out those I can.

Some of the things I do include: web design, graphic design, gaming, built a few pc's here and there, and trying to keep up with the computer technology coming out, heh. To view some of my work and pics of my PC you can do so by going to . PC specs are in Sundry and some of my work is in Artwork. Enjoy.

A lot of the hardware stuff I know, I learned from my dad. He's a freakin' computer god guru. He's been around, building and troubleshooting with computers since he was 15, so like 25 some years or so. He has tons of books and is basically self taught... but anyways.. enough ranting... I'll end this post and check out the rest of the forums.

Thanks, later
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