Website Value Calculator Stimator

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Golden Master
Source: Website Value Calculator Stimator

If you are in the business of selling and buying websites and domain names or a webmaster interested in finding out the value of his web projects you are left with a few choices. The short answer of “how much is it worth” is “the money that someone is willing to pay for it”. The long answer is more complicated and involves a thorough analysis not only of the present situation but also the past and the future.
Performing that task manually can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the type of website or project. Hundreds of factors can play a role in determining the real value of a website.
There is another solution albeit less accurate and not suitable for serious business. Website value calculators will analyze and calculate a value of a website in seconds. Stimator is one of those websites and it provides one of the slickest professional interfaces in the niche.
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