Use Splitlink for Firefox to check for Redirects

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Golden Master
It is sometimes really difficulty to figure out the real url of a link. Parameters and Javascript can obscure links and mislead the user. Advanced users will know the methods to figure this out really quickly while inexperienced users will have troubles doing so. The extension Splitlink for Firefox aids the inexperienced in finding out about the links that they intend to click.

It does not make sense to check each and every link that you encounter on the internet. It makes much more sense to manually check a link if you are suspicious about it or want to find out the real url. Using Splitlink is pretty easy. Right-click a link and select the Splitlink entry from the menu that pops up.

A new window will open showing the original link and the reformatted one. Clicking on the reformatted link will open the page in the parent window. Splitlink offers a basic way of finding out where a certain link would redirect you to.
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