Thunderbird URL Link

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Golden Master
URL Link is a very sophisticated add-on for the email client Mozilla Thunderbird that provides advanced link manipulation techniques. The most obvious - and probably common as well - function is to join links that spawn across multiple lines which is often the case when verification emails are send. It also substitutes spaces in links to %20 so that network paths can be followed.
Another excellent feature is the ability to mark text and perform a search or create a link from it. By default Google and Wikipedia are available but the add-on provides access to custom searches as well which can be added in no time in the add-on's options. Three links can be created from any word that is marked, they lead to, online education and Relocate with the option to add custom extensions like as well.
Another interesting feature is the option to convert email addresses in the mail body to links. Say someone added a mailto link in the body text of the email. This could be converted into a link to the domain of the email, e.g. from to Something.. It can also handle Javascript links.
The option to add custom manipulations is what makes this Thunderbird add-on special. Each function is accessible through the right-click context menu.

Thunderbird URL Link
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