Surun beats all Sudo like applications in Windows

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Golden Master
If you ever tried to work in Windows NT systems as a limited user you surely have encountered wondrous things like having no permission to change the Windows clock and especially when installing applications. Working as a limited user on the other hand increases system security because malicious code will run with the same privileges which as the name implies are rather limited.
An owner of a computer surely wants to install software on it even if he is running as a limited user. This is where the problem starts. The Run As command can be used to run applications as a different user. The major problem is that you have to provide the username and password for that user to be able to run the selected application. This data can be easily logged by a keylogger.
Surun uses its own Windows service that adds the user to the group of administrators during program start and removes him automatically from that group again. The user, not the administrator, will be asked on a secure desktop that only services may access if he wants to run the program and if he confirms that the application will be started. Programs are started with a right-click and the selection of Run as Administrator.
Surun comes with lots of settings and a huge configuration. Each application that was once started with Surun can be added to a list of applications that are started without the prompt from then on.

Surun beats all Sudo like applications in Windows
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