Reveal Destination of Tiny Url Links

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Golden Master
Tiny Url links are a great way to shorten long urls and hide the destination of the link at the same time. I read several PC magazines that use Tiny Url to print urls in their magazine. There is however a certain danger involved because the user does not see where a link is really leading to. It could very well be that someone is posting tiny url links on trusted websites to fool users into visiting those websites.
Tiny Url are offering a preview function on their website which can be enabled. If you do enable it a cookie will be set and you will be redirected to a preview page displaying the real destination of the link that you clicked on. This is working for as long as the cookie is set.
There is however a better solution if you are using Firefox. The Greasemonkey script TinyURL Popup Preview displays a title popup whenever you are hovering your mouse over a tiny url link. It is using the preview function of the official website for additional security.

Reveal Destination of Tiny Url Links -
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